Grand Champion
Farr West Reese of Vista Real

Reese is 5 1/2 months above. We got him about a week before this show and took him to show in puppy classes. He won Best Puppy in Show, his first time out. Then he did it again the same day. Way to go Reese! Reese is such a bright happy guy with a very loving temperament. He loves kids and puppies. He also loves to swim & play ball. He is really fun to own.
Reese comes from excellent Elk Creek & Baylock Kennel(Australian) lines . He was bred by Jim & Sally Parcher at Farr West Kennel in Utah. His Australian born father Baylock Glenmorangie's side can be documented through the JRTC of Australia before 1963. His pedigree goes all the way back to some of the first documented imports into Australia from the UK. His Elk Creek side can be traced back to England also. He carries about a 12 generation pedigree.
Australia was the first country to establish a registry for the Jack Russell Terrier (our current 10" to 12" breed standard comes from them). Their JRTCA was founded in 1972, even before the JRTCGB, established 1974 (the first Parson type registry still in existence) . Our American JRTCA (also a Parson registry) was founded in 1976.
We are very excited to have him and learn about his extensive heritage. We have accumulated many pictures of his ancestors, including Johnnie 500 born in 1963 and pictures of both of his English import parents. Johnnie 500 was the first Australian bred male recorded in the JRTC of Australia studbook. He has been referred to as the "Trump" of Australia. His Australian history is well documented. It is so very interesting.
We will forever be grateful to the JRTC of Australia for their excellent record keeping and establishing the "purebred" Jack Russell Terrier for the world. And to the many Australian breeders who have been kind enough to share with me their pictures and history on these dogs. Thank you Australia!
Special thanks to Jim & Sally Parcher of Farr West Kennel and to JoAnn Stoll of Elk Creek Russells for allowing me the opportunity of owning such a wonderful treasure as Reese.
Update: At the April 24, 2004 show in Ontario, Ca. Reese got Best of Breed 2 times!! He now has his UKC Show Champion Title We are proud of him. He has completed his title at only 10 months old! He comes from a long line of Australian Champions and Grand Champions. He is following his heritage.
On June 27, 2004 Reese got Best of Breed under Jean Murray. Diane Moore of Hemet, Ca donated 4 beautiful acrylic paintings of different Russell Terriers. I am very honored to have won one of them.
Click on the picture to enlarge it.
11-6-04 In Victorville, Ca. at the Sandy Paws Canine Club Show, Reese finished his Grand Champion Title and got Best of Best Breed both shows! Way to go Reese!

This page was last updated: February 19, 2011
UKC Top Ten For 2004 & Best of Breed 6 times!!
**Proven sire, producer of Champions**
Some interesting links on the history and more information on the Jack Russells in Australia, the country of development for the breed: